Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Cancer Update – Genetic Testing

As part of my cancer treatment plan I underwent genetic testing for 80 known cancer genes. At first it seemed a bit pointless to me, I mean, I already have fracking cancer, who cares if I have the gene?

Well, it came back that I do have one cancer gene. It’s the BRCA1 gene, and it’s a doozy. It increases the chances that you’ll get breast cancer to 70%. Also if you get breast cancer, you have a 40% chance of getting it again. It also increases your chances of ovarian cancer from 1% to 40%.

So way back whenever, when I skimmed the article about Angelina Jolie getting genetic testing done, then deciding to get a double mastectomy and having her ovaries removed, I thought, crazy person. Who would do that? Now my judgy-ass-self totally understands. Being aggressive and preemptive is totally understandable when it come to not having to deal with cancer.

I also think it’s nice to have something to point at and blame. Before I was wondering what I did wrong? Why did I get breast cancer so young? I mean, I did drink a lot of diet soda in my twenties. Or maybe it was all that hormone filled dairy products I ate. And there was that one time I stood in front of the microwave for a really long time. But no. It’s this one crappy crappy gene.

Other then, you know, the cancer, I’m doing really well. Working on my next book and reading a ton. I’ll post more soon! And thanks again everyone for all your support.